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Vertical text direction in web design – good use cases

Home »Web Design» Typography »Vertical Text Direction in Web Design – Good Use Cases
Vertical text direction in web design – good use cases

Ordinary standard and template web projects are few who impress, so many want to create something truly unique. You will find some interesting ideas in the selection of colorful website designs. Someone uses variegated images on the main one for this purpose, animation or some original approaches to the layout of elements. One of these methods is the vertical arrangement of text on the screen.

In fact, such an orientation of labels / content in web design is not often seen, here the horizontal rhythm “rules”. However, in last year’s article about current typographic trends, we already mentioned this chip. One of its advantages is that you don’t have to take any extreme measures or difficulties – even an insignificant “dose” of the vertical text is enough to achieve an effective result. And with today’s examples we will prove it to you … Continue reading

Creating an Effective Hero Image Image for a Website

Does the user only need 50 milliseconds to form an opinion on any site? Web developers and designers really have very little time to make a good impression on a person when visiting a resource. That is why the correct design of the main page + website header, which everyone sees in the first place, is so important.

Many web projects on the network are united by one common way of attracting the attention of the audience – the use of bright colorful designs, in particular – placing a large background image or large banner at the top of the website. It is also called a “hero image”.

This “main image” is not just a beautiful illustration on the site to capture attention, it should become something more. Developers need to try to make a powerful visual communication tool that can increase sales and become the real “hero” of your online business.

In our translation of the original article, you will find eight useful tips to help create the right hero image – one that would attract attention, help convert users into regular customers and would be a useful addition to the design of your website. Continue reading

Effective B2B website designs for 2019

If you are producing a product / service that is in demand in a particular field and trying to create a suitable website that fully reflects your attitude to work, then this article is for you. B2B projects (business to business) do not have to be boring, as serious as possible, and with a minimalistic design. After all, specialists and professionals are the same people as any other visitors, and you yourself would probably pay attention to a beautiful site with the right quality content.

Best B2B Website Designs of 2019
Most of the traditional B2B web resources tell their potential customers 3 things: “who we are, what we do and how we help”, but this information is far from always able to sell your product / service as efficiently as possible, and the goal is precisely that.

Modern customers do not want to spend a lot of time studying sites and finding information. Continue reading

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