The allowable marginal cost of the targeted action of the visitor on the site.
Website performance is measured not by the site’s position in the TOP, and not by…

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This protocol allows you to implement a secure point-to-point connection by creating a tunnel in…

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How the media have changed Mankind, and Manchestovo has changed the media over the past couple of thousand years
Today, mass communication is the most important form of information exchange. Newspapers, radio, television and,…

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second of the sensational

7 popular typography trends in website design

Typography is the style, layout and appearance of the printed letters / texts on the page. Currently, it has already become an integral element of web design. You will find many interesting articles on the topic in the corresponding section of our blog, which has replenished today with another publication. Consider the design trends that are relevant for this direction that appeared and consolidated in 2018. The material will be a great addition to the web typography record. The post is a translation of this note.

The purpose of any site is to attract the attention of visitors. At the same time, it is important not only what you are going to convey to the audience (content), but also how you are going to do it (design). In 2018, content continues to thrive, thanks to enthusiasts of the Content First concept, which implies its primary importance in the design of web projects. Below are the typography trends of 2018, many of which involve placing text in front, in the center, and even across the entire screen. Continue reading

Landing Myths
Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the…


How to get more search visibility using other people's resources
Whatever niche you work in, there are probably dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of other…


How to write articles. To help copywriters
Today, more and more people are trying themselves in copywriting. This is both good and…
