Effective B2B website designs for 2019
If you are producing a product / service that is in demand in a particular…

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How to get more search visibility using other people's resources
Whatever niche you work in, there are probably dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of other…

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If you blocked the site at work
So a person is arranged that the productivity of his activity is directly related to…

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puts restrictions on the creative

How to write articles. To help copywriters

Today, more and more people are trying themselves in copywriting. This is both good and bad. Good – because, as they say, the more professional the party, the more interesting and active it develops in it. But bad … Bad because often copywriters are those who decide that articles for websites are the easiest way to earn money: write what your heart desires, write as you like – and the text will come in handy somewhere.

What is the main mistake of novice copywriters?

As a rule, they begin to write articles and notes, not knowing about the elementary principles of presenting information. Not knowing how the structure of the article is created, nor what is necessary for it, but what can be sacrificed. And they forget about finalizing the draft text to the “selling” version – they forget about editing and checking errors (descriptions, punctuation marks, etc.).

Of course, sometimes it seems: in order to write articles for websites and blogs, the ability to put letters into words is enough, and words can be typed on the keyboard. But, believe me, this is not enough to create high-quality texts. How to write articles for Internet resources
Let’s look at the features of writing the most common types of online articles. Continue reading

Overview of modern antiviruses
Of all the threats to the security of user information, viruses stand apart. These small…


How to get more search visibility using other people's resources
Whatever niche you work in, there are probably dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of other…


Mailto - HTML
In order to somehow dilute the design theme, let's look at another layout lesson today…
