If you blocked the site at work
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Internet freely

If you blocked the site at work

So a person is arranged that the productivity of his activity is directly related to how often he rests, how much time he devotes to relaxation.

Any office employee during the working day gets tired more morally than physically, because conflict situations, decision making, creative manifestations and even just continuous monotonous work, you see, are unlikely to have a positive impact on labor efficiency. We all like these or those sites where we strive to look at a free time, someone prefers forums, and someone likes to chat in a chat.

All this applies to stress relievers, relaxation, stress relievers, helps to be distracted for a short time, so that we can take on the tasks and goals set by the company with renewed vigor. And, of course, all of the above applies to those cases when this is not to the detriment of the work itself. But we are increasingly faced with misunderstanding and prohibitions from our employers, which is confirmed by the emerging boom of blocking social networks for access from the workplace, in particular the most popular, such as Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte. Continue reading

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