What is CTA: Real Hypnosis in Selling Texts
Call To Action (CTA) or in another way a call to action, the target action…

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VPN Basic Concepts and Classification
The term VPN (Eng. "Virtual Private Network") refers to a group of technologies that provide…

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Interesting features of UI design in different countries
When you create an interface design for applications / sites operating in different countries, you…

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influence them

Internet Marketing Cost Effectiveness

What are the main steps in the online sale process?
Advertising tools attract potential customers to the site. Tools can be different: seo, contextual advertising, display advertising, advertising on social networks, etc.
Part of the attracted visitors to the site performs the action you need: it orders a product or service using the order forms or calls on the phone number indicated on the site.
A part of potential customers who ordered and called made a purchase.
Each transaction brings the company some profit.
That is, if the cost of advertising on the Internet (website promotion) amounted to 10,000 rubles for the period, then the profit from sales through the website for this period should be more than 10,000 rubles, and then the investment efficiency in website promotion is more than one – and this is good.
The final indicator of the effectiveness of investments is ROI (the ratio of the amount of profit to the amount of investment): profit 10,000 / cost 10,000 = 1.
Of course, I want the effectiveness of investments in promotion to be more than one. Continue reading

Phone chats, a magazine with life hacks and more
The Internet has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that even those who started…


Connect Xbox 360 via VPN server
Regional content protection checks your account for belonging to a specific country, and checks it…


7 popular typography trends in website design
Typography is the style, layout and appearance of the printed letters / texts on the…
