Local Area Networks and the Internet
When a local area network is connected to the global Internet, one of the PCs,…

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How to write articles. To help copywriters
Today, more and more people are trying themselves in copywriting. This is both good and…

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5 examples of designer pain: the most common phrases coming from customers and clients
No matter how many years have passed, and TK for the designer always remains a…

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ensure the privacy

How to protect your password from hacking

Today, passwords play a significant role in human life. Everywhere on the Internet, on every site, each account must have its own password in order for the user to gain access to its data. Losing or breaking a password can often result in a big problem and headache.

This article will focus on passwords, hacking methods and creating passwords.

How do passwords break?
There are always at least two ways to crack a password. This is a banal selection (which takes a huge amount of resources and time, but with proper luck, or rather, with due naivety of the user, it will not take an hour) and no less banal “attack of pets”.
Password guessing
Recognize after all somewhere, at least once you set the banal and well-known qwerty password. This is certainly good if it is not in your mailbox through which you can crack almost all your existing passwords. Password guessing is a set of random numbers in the password field and it implies the need to know the account itself. On some sites this is obvious, on others it’s hidden. Continue reading

How is the editor different from a beta reader, and vice versa

Each writer is waiting for feedback on his works. And it’s wonderful if the responses appear. And if not?

If the readers either weren’t found, or they were silent, but would you like to know if the book is good and how good it is? Then there is only one way – to give up to the beta reader or editor. It is these personalities that can give a detailed, thoughtful and reasoned response to your novel or story, fairy tale or collection of poems.

But how to decide who exactly to go to? In general, is there any difference who to choose? The question, as practice has shown, is relevant: in letters I was repeatedly asked how the literary editor, beta reader and beta tester differ from each other.

Let’s get it right.

Differences between Editor and Beta Reader Continue reading

Landing Myths

Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the landing page to look beautiful and cling to visitors is an understandable desire.

But you still need it to fulfill its main function – to sell your product or service. After all, it’s not without reason that landing is also called a selling page in a different way

So, so that all the stars converge, we, as advanced users, turn to the Internet and begin to google and read tips on creating a landing page. Guided by the fact that since it helped others, it will help us. But no.

Having read the “useful” tips, we collected the most common myths about landing pages and today we will tell you what you can believe and what not. But, as they say, you reject – offer. Therefore, among other things, we will give useful tips that will help increase the conversion of your selling page.

Myth 1. The longer the landing, the more effective it is. Continue reading

File encryption
Encryption is the most common and essentially the simplest way to protect any information. After…


E-wallet protection
When comparing the degree of protection of client programs of Yandex.Money and Webmoney payment systems,…


Retargeting What is it? And how to use it to increase the likelihood of a purchase?
Retargeting What is it? And how to use it to return visitors to the site?…
