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File encryption

Encryption is the most common and essentially the simplest way to protect any information. After all, it seems that it could be simpler to take the text, take some algorithm known to you and your friends and use the algorithm to make gibberish from the text that no one else can parse from you and your friends. Simple and pretty angry. To date, the solution remains the most reasonable.

However, many may argue, “then what is the effectiveness and complexity of encryption?” But it is in the selection of the algorithm. At the moment, there are a huge number of encryption systems and ciphers. And each of them is unusually effective and complex to a certain extent. However, they are all classified into two main categories: symmetric and asymmetric ciphers. Further we will focus on them. And already examining an example, we will show what data encryption is.

Symmetric Ciphers
With them, everything is quite simple. Both users who use the encryption system to exchange data agree and know the password for each other’s messages. That is, messages are encrypted and decrypted with one password. And this password must be kept secret, because if outsiders know it, how the security of the system will be in jeopardy.
Asymmetric ciphers
This is a new generation of ciphers, which replaced the Symmetric. This encryption is based on two keys. The key by which the message is encrypted and which is transmitted along with it (it is called open). The second key is a key known only to the parties that exchange information (it is called private). In fact, this method can be explained as the ability to decrypt the password for the cipher that is used in the message.
In fact, asymmetric encryption is the closure of the key to the safe in another safe, the key for which people who need the contents of the first safe have.

Programs that provide encryption and data hiding under a password
However, someone may wonder how encryption can be used. Indeed, almost everywhere we are either imposed some kind of method, or even do it without our knowledge? Well, persuaded, you can talk about special programs that allow you to encrypt data additionally.

No, don’t even dare to think that now we will talk about various small text editors with encryption function that has been implemented in Word for many years. It will be about large programs that allow you to hide some folders and files, limiting access to them with a password or even giants that encrypt the entire hard drive.

Hide folder
HideFolder user interface A simple program with a long history. It allows you to hide folders and files in them from prying eyes. To access the program itself, you need to know the user password. Implemented simply and tastefully, one of the rare cases when brevity is a sister of talent. It does not provide data encryption, but it will allow to hide a collection of obscene photos from the child.
As you can see in the image, the program interface is simple and intuitive. We add the file, choose what we need – hide it or open access to it, after which it disappears or is displayed through the explorer or any file manager. You can remove the file from the list of hidden files or change the password. It is important that the password is selected to enter the program, which calls into question its reliability.

Files cipher
FilesCipher user interface A more complex program that already encrypts a file. It’s done quite understandably – we selected a file, entered the key to it and that way … and here is the first drawback. The algorithm that the program uses is designed specifically for it and it is difficult to believe that it is really effective. However, a huge key size (from 4 to 255 characters) comes to the rescue. It is also worth noting that this key is not encrypted with the file, which means it increases the strength of the cipher. You can decrypt a file only with this program, and knowing the password, other methods will take a huge amount of time.
As you can see, when you look at the program interface, it also has the ability to archive files. Archiving occurs with the same password, and the archive remains protected by it. It is easy to understand that this program is pretty good for working with files and individual folders, to increase the security of your own PC.

TrueCrypt user interface An even more sophisticated program for encrypting data. Its distinguishing feature is not a convenient interface and not free, but multifunctionality. Within the framework of this program, the lion’s share of cryptographic systems existing today (encryption methods) is implemented. In the latest versions of the program, you can find algorithms from the banal character permutation to the most complicated AES and GOST 28147-89.

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