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How to write articles. To help copywriters

Today, more and more people are trying themselves in copywriting. This is both good and bad. Good – because, as they say, the more professional the party, the more interesting and active it develops in it. But bad … Bad because often copywriters are those who decide that articles for websites are the easiest way to earn money: write what your heart desires, write as you like – and the text will come in handy somewhere.

What is the main mistake of novice copywriters?

As a rule, they begin to write articles and notes, not knowing about the elementary principles of presenting information. Not knowing how the structure of the article is created, nor what is necessary for it, but what can be sacrificed. And they forget about finalizing the draft text to the “selling” version – they forget about editing and checking errors (descriptions, punctuation marks, etc.).

Of course, sometimes it seems: in order to write articles for websites and blogs, the ability to put letters into words is enough, and words can be typed on the keyboard. But, believe me, this is not enough to create high-quality texts. How to write articles for Internet resources
Let’s look at the features of writing the most common types of online articles.

How to write custom articles
Even novice copywriters know: a custom article always has a strictly defined topic. And if the customer is also concerned about the promotion of his resource in search networks, then he will additionally require that the text contain so-called “keys” – phrases and phrases that cannot be changed. Plus – the requirements for the number of characters, i.e., the volume of the article.
How to write articles for Internet resources Of course, all this puts restrictions on the creative impulses of the writer, and there is a desire to comply with the purely technical side of the requirements, without thinking about the readability of the text. And that is a big mistake.

Firstly, today almost all search engines are able to evaluate articles on this parameter as well, so that a carelessly written article is 100% likely to lose quality. And it will affect your reputation.
And secondly, most site owners are aware of all the changes in search engines, which means that they will only work with those copywriters who can and comply with technical requirements, and writing is interesting for readers.

How to be Follow a few rules.
1. Strictly stick to the topic of the article. Do not pour “water”. Each word, each sentence should add something new to reveal the topic.
2. Embed “Keyword” in the text so that they look an integral part of the sentence. Avoid Machine Translation Syndrome.
3. Use simple words and sentences, short paragraphs. But don’t get carried away! One sentence per paragraph – it is still too much. 🙂
4. If the text is long, break it into pieces and each one give a subtitle. By the way, in the subtitles of the article you can – and even need to! – use the “keywords”.

And, of course, be sure to check the written text. Word’s spellchecker will help to catch errors and typos, and someone from home can look at the article and say whether it is easy to read, whether it is clear what it is about, etc.

How to write articles for blogs and personal sites
How to write articles for online resources In this case, creative freedom is greater. At a minimum, you can choose only those topics that you are personally interested in and engage in them as deeply as you like. It is quite appropriate here to compile even a series of articles, and in each to make a detailed analysis of one of the aspects of the topic or to identify links with other issues.

In addition, in a personal blog or website, you can also publish personal notes about what is happening in your life or in the life of your loved ones. However, be careful: an overabundance of purely private information and obviously amateurish photos can scare the reader away. Therefore, it is better to dilute articles about personal life or personal achievements with thematic articles that will be useful to the reader.

We offer several rules for writing articles on a personal blog or website.
1. Decide on the direction of the blog / site – professional, completely personal, about hobbies, journalistic, etc. – and try to write most of the articles in the chosen way.
2. Be emotional! This is your blog and your position. Do not be afraid to voice it and express your feelings.
3. Write as if spoken orally. Bringing the draft into line with literary norms is easy, but the individuality introduced into the text – your own unique intonation – will help attract readers.
4. Try to adhere to the principle: 70% of thematic information is 30% personal. For sites or blogs of different orientations, this ratio can change. For example, for a professional or journalistic site, the percentage of personal information can be reduced to ten, and in a completely personal blog, increased to forty.
5. Search and use news items for articles. This will help make the blog relevant.

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How to write articles. To help copywriters
Today, more and more people are trying themselves in copywriting. This is both good and…


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