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How to choose an internet provider?

If you are reading this article, then most likely you cannot imagine life without the Internet. Perhaps the Internet is already connected to you, but the quality of the service is not satisfactory, and you ask your friends or colleagues for advice. In this article we will try to give some tips that will help you with the choice of Internet provider.

Since wired Internet is currently quite developed in Zaporozhye and local networks are present in almost every district of the city, we will dwell on this particular connection method. Wired Internet is currently the most affordable at a fairly high reliability and speed of communication. The disadvantages of wired communications are cable breaks and equipment malfunctions during a thunderstorm.

So, let’s begin.

Stage 1

You need to decide for what purpose you need the Internet. The speed and of course the cost of monthly payment for services will depend on this.
If you just need to check your mail, browse websites and chat on Skype, then a speed of 1-3 Mbps will be more than enough.

For comfortable work on the Internet, site administration is quite satisfied with a speed of 5-10 Mbit / s.

If you want to regularly download large files, watch online movies, then you need a speed of at least 12 Mbps. The speed of 12 Mbps is especially popular among active private users and businesses.

Stage 2

Choosing an Internet Service Provider. In Zaporozhye there are many providers, each of which vying offers truly cosmic speed for minimal money, promotions when connecting with free Internet for a month or six months … How to navigate? What you should pay attention to:

Find out which provider works in your area. Providers of Zaporozhye have local networks in each district, most often they place information about themselves near the entrances and indicate addresses on the site where connection is possible.
Compare the rates of providers that are in your area. When specifying the speed, most often in front of an impressive figure of 40 Mbit / s or 100 Mbit / s !!! there is a small preposition “do”. This means that the actual guaranteed speed will be much lower, and you can never get the coveted 100 Mbit / s at all, only access to local resources can be an exception. Conclusion – the price for the Internet should be real.
A round-the-clock technical support service is a must for a reputable and reliable Internet service provider. You can always get advice from the call center operator, find out the reasons for the slowdown and try to correct the situation in case of communication failures. In addition, the presence of a round-the-clock call center provides a high response rate in the event of serious breakdowns in the provider’s network. Any provider can have breakdowns, the main thing is how quickly he can fix them and resume communication.
The site of the company. A live site with online information is the face of any company. See news, company information, reviews of existing customers.
Stock availability. For example, the well-known Internet service provider Express since February 2013 launches a monthly prize draw among regular customers by recharge card numbers. Among the prizes are replenishment certificates. In the future, the company plans to expand the number of shares and prizes among regular customers.
Top-up card 40
Stage 3

Internet connection. After you have made a choice in favor of one of the providers, contact the operator and leave your data to check the technical feasibility and connection.

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How to choose an internet provider?
If you are reading this article, then most likely you cannot imagine life without the…
