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Effective B2B website designs for 2019

If you are producing a product / service that is in demand in a particular field and trying to create a suitable website that fully reflects your attitude to work, then this article is for you. B2B projects (business to business) do not have to be boring, as serious as possible, and with a minimalistic design. After all, specialists and professionals are the same people as any other visitors, and you yourself would probably pay attention to a beautiful site with the right quality content.

Best B2B Website Designs of 2019
Most of the traditional B2B web resources tell their potential customers 3 things: “who we are, what we do and how we help”, but this information is far from always able to sell your product / service as efficiently as possible, and the goal is precisely that.

Modern customers do not want to spend a lot of time studying sites and finding information. The authors of this original article selected 10 successful examples from different niches in order to show how they can achieve their goals. All projects must meet the following requirements:

Have an acceptable visual design and the same user experience.
Answer questions / requests of the visitor.
Be multi-platform, i.e. available on the phone, PC, tablet.
Download fast.
To attract the attention of users with different accents, providing them with exactly the information they are looking for.
Below you will find real examples of the best B2B website designs that correspond to all modern design trends at the moment.

Magnetica not only looks good, but also contains all the necessary information about the company on the main page. There is data on the structure of work, MRI products and opportunities to solve certain problems. Everything is written in simple language.

A docked menu and a button with a call to subscribe is present on all pages. However, they do not distract from the main text. And if you have questions about any of Magnetica’s products, at the end of the page of each of them there is a button “Write to us”. This is a very common technique.

JCurve Solutions is an enterprise resource planning agency (ERP). On the website, the company immediately turns to everyone who is considering the possibility of implementing ERP using a call to action, asking: “Think about ERP?” If you are not sure about the answer, you are advised to download a guide with the benefits of JCurve. This traditional practice in the design of landing pages can be useful in our situation.

The site works with small businesses. It describes each product in detail in an accessible language, so that it will be understandable even to beginners in this niche. The project uses flat design elements + offers several videos to help you understand the benefits of implementing ERP and tell you where to start.
This product helps to manage the company using modern digital technologies and ensure its competitiveness in the market. Here you will see a simple and modern interface with short animations. Sysdoc tries to gain the trust of the user using the block of current clients on the main page. This indicates new potential customers about the reliability of the company. Another feature is that Sysdoc clearly demonstrates who they are and how they can help your company wherever you look – their navigation bar moves when scrolling, and the locations for the call to action (CTA) buttons are well thought out and noticeable.
Rollpark creates custom parking spaces for commercial vehicles using Geotextile roll material. The web resource uses the long scrolling technique. This means that information appears as you scroll, and is adapted for mobile devices.

Upon entering the site, potential buyers immediately see a video about the actual product, supported by good indicators: durability, construction time, cost, etc. Designers also used large photos that link to case studies describing parking problems and their possible solution from Rollpark.
Powerwest Australians are designing electricity generation methods for mining and commodity companies. As soon as you get to the main page, you immediately understand what this organization can do for you. All information is presented in simple language and is accompanied by high-quality photographs from workplaces. Call-to-action buttons are clear, and navigation bars are intuitive.

One of the main advantages of this website is that it is not overloaded with texts. All formulations are concise and answer questions without excess water.

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