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Landing Myths

Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the landing page to look beautiful and cling to visitors is an understandable desire.

But you still need it to fulfill its main function – to sell your product or service. After all, it’s not without reason that landing is also called a selling page in a different way

So, so that all the stars converge, we, as advanced users, turn to the Internet and begin to google and read tips on creating a landing page. Guided by the fact that since it helped others, it will help us. But no.

Having read the “useful” tips, we collected the most common myths about landing pages and today we will tell you what you can believe and what not. But, as they say, you reject – offer. Therefore, among other things, we will give useful tips that will help increase the conversion of your selling page.

Myth 1. The longer the landing, the more effective it is.
This is perhaps the most common misconception regarding landing pages. Where it came from and how is incomprehensible, because the idea of ​​creating an infinitely long page does not correspond either with common sense or with real practice. Large, no, often just huge amounts of texts by users are not readable, they lead to annoyance, page closure and loss of a potential buyer. In most cases, the whole meaning of the landing page can be transferred in 2000-3000 characters.

Conclusion: shorten the text, leaving only the most basic – a unique selling proposition, a brief description of the product / service, 5-6 advantages of your company, description of the offer, work scheme and a few words about the team.

A good example from our portfolio: 6 most basic blocks on which 2000 characters of the text are successfully located.

optimal amount of text for landing

Myth 2. The more triggers, the higher the conversion result.
A sales page is not needed in order to get at least some contact information from a visitor in a last desperate attempt. Landing is necessary for a high-quality presentation of your product / service and only then – converting a visitor into a lead.

It is not necessary to flood visitors with endless lead-forms, CTA-buttons, arrows, timers, medals and other “interactivists”. Again: you will not achieve anything but annoyance and a huge percentage of failures.

Conclusion: remove all unnecessary from the landing page. Yes, this is exactly the case when you can say with full confidence: “the less, the better.”

And again we turn to examples of our work: both forms are minimalistic and contain only the most basic – a call to action and lines for entering contact information. Bottom line: nothing distracts from the commission of the target action.

Myth 3. If you copy someone else’s successful landing, the conversion will skyrocket.
Spying on competitor’s landing pages is a great idea, really. But only in order to analyze them, highlight the pros / cons and develop your own, INDIVIDUAL. It is naive to believe that by placing your offer on a landing page similar to someone else’s successful landing, you will get a sensationally high conversion.

Why? Copying someone else’s landing page, you copy someone else’s mistakes. Maybe you will get the same result as your competitors. But will he be good? The big question.

In addition, if you do not have your own ideas and advantages, then potential customers do not need to contact you.

Conclusion: in no case do not steal other people’s ideas! Think over your own concept, make your offer competitive, develop an individual design, fill the landing page with interesting content and, of course, do not forget about competent usability.

Myth 4. Came, saw, won, made, launched, forgot
For many, the end of the development of the landing means the end of the work. However, launching a sales page and leaving it alone is a gross mistake. This is a loss of conversion and profit.

After all, no matter how wonderful and elaborate the landing is, it is impossible to say with 100% certainty how it will work during the advertising campaign and what the conversion will be. It can be compared with a living organism that needs the careful care of a marketer or, in other words, constant optimization.

Conclusion: you need to constantly analyze Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics, identify problem areas, respond in a timely manner to a decrease in conversion, and make changes to the landing page. But this is still half the battle: it is important to involve in the process of change those who developed the selling page. After all, a couple of awkward movements can “destroy” the landing, and all the efforts from the work will come to naught.

Myth 5. The main thing is the conversion rate, the rest doesn’t matter!
And again, no. Landing is not necessary for someone to simply fill out a form. What is the use of it? Landing is needed so that a potential customer is interested in your product / service, he becomes a real customer and makes a profit.

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