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Anonymous proxies
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Anonymous proxies

A proxy server is the link between users and the Internet. Proxy server – a server that is constantly on the Web, transmitting all user computer requests to the network, and sends the received responses back.

The proxy server of your Internet service provider significantly speeds up your Internet experience. Why is this happening? Yes, because it is not uncommon for a large number of different clients of the same provider to use the same sources. Certain files, sites can be uploaded by other people, and is located in a temporary storage (cache), so the page loads much faster from a proxy server than from an Internet server.

Certain proxy servers make it possible to hide your IP address, thereby giving you the opportunity to visit sites incognito, access FTP archives.

The site administration can easily get comprehensive information about the user: country of residence, information about your Internet service provider, browser, operating system, IP address. Therefore, you have the opportunity to protect and conceal this valuable information. There are a number of sites that can change the answer based on which country the request was sent from, using a proxy server will also help solve this problem and provide you with the opportunity to get the information you need from these sites. In addition, with the help of a proxy server you can visit a competitor’s website absolutely secretly.

Currently, there is a great threat to become an object of attack by hackers who can also get your IP address, and if you catch a virus, you risk losing valuable files / documents from your computer. However, not all proxies can be considered completely anonymous, because only a small part of them can hide your valid IP address, which in most cases remains open information for site owners. In addition, proxy does not solve the problem with cookies.

We ourselves can increase the security of our computer, thereby protecting the information on it more reliably using two simple tricks: a) make cookies read-only; b) prohibit the browser from storing cookies on the computer. If you resort to a search, we will immediately find a number of proxies that do not completely restrict external access and remain open to extract information.

For the purpose of confidential and anonymous travel in the realm of the Internet, special services have been specially created, which are also called anonymizer.
In order to visit the site incognito, i.e. secretly and anonymously, all you need to do is enter his address and click “Hide me”. Clicking on any link located on the page that you are currently viewing does not require re-entering the required address, since the anonymizer itself reproduces the process for the new page.

By visiting various web resources using the anonymizer, you do not leave traces of your presence on them in the log files, since the information remains only about the anonymizer service itself (anonimizer), which in turn prevents the leakage of all your personal data. In addition, cookies are not transmitted and do not remain on your computer.

At the same time, not all websites can be visited using an anonymizer (through our personal development – that’s all;)), since the resource owners themselves want to have access to information about the traffic to their site by customers.

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