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E-wallet protection

When comparing the degree of protection of client programs of Yandex.Money and Webmoney payment systems, it turned out that the latter offers more reliable means of protecting client data. However, in addition to this, both systems offer their customers online payment methods.

Since many users in modern conditions rely on network applications, this type of payment is becoming increasingly popular. It does not require software installation on a home computer, can work with any operating system and does not bind the user to a separate workstation.

Webmoney keeper light
The classic client of the Webmoney payment system has serious protection against unauthorized access and disposal of client funds. Let’s find out what degree of protection the network version of this application offers – Webmoney Keeper Light. The entire protection system of Webmoney Keeper Light is based on the use of personal certificates that are stored in a special browser repository. In the process of registration, the user receives the appropriate certificate necessary to gain access to their funds and conduct operations.
The certificate is installed in the certificate store and is protected by a password that must be entered during its installation. In the process of work, the client just needs to follow the link, and then specify the necessary authorization method (X.509). With proper handling of the certificate, the user can guarantee almost complete safety of their funds. To do this, it is enough to store the certificate on an isolated medium protected by a password and delete it from the certificate store after you finish working with the system. Unfortunately, not all users agree to do this operation every time, and some are simply not aware of the features of the system.

Attentive handling of certificates
In the absence of proper attention and knowledge, the user may face a serious risk of losing a certificate and, as a result, access to his wallet. Any attacker who manages to obtain a certificate remaining in the browser storage will be able to perform various operations with your account without any problems. That is why it is extremely important to delete the certificate after completion of work.
However, the developers of the system cannot be blamed for such shortcomings, since they offer users various services to restrict access and provide all the information necessary to protect their wallets. So, each user can restrict access to his account and allow it only from a specific address or range of addresses. In addition, there are several additional ways to protect the wallet, and E-num authorization is considered the safest and most convenient.

E-num is the best way to protect your Webmoney wallet
After completing registration in the E-num system, you can download a special application, a cipher block, on your mobile phone. This Java program is unique for each user and generates a special control number needed to access wallets.
Thanks to the use of E-num, you do not have to install any certificates in your browser and take care of their removal. In addition, you are completely not tied to your computer and can use your wallet from anywhere. E-num service also provides users with information on all operations performed and sends corresponding notifications by e-mail. This gives you complete control over your account and the ability to quickly stop any unauthorized activity.

Yandex.Money system
To protect wallets with online access to the system, a payment password and the Yandex.Passport service are used.
Such a dual system allows you to create sufficient protection for your account in the presence of a fairly complex password. The payment password is entered when creating a wallet in the Yandex.Money system. the password must meet certain requirements (at least 5 characters and non-compliance with the authorization password in the Yandex.Money system).

In addition to the password, the user enters his phone number and code number, which should be used to restore access to wallets in case of loss of the main password.

Create billing password
The system recommends not using any data that can be found on the Internet, such as the name of the pet or the maiden name of the mother. You also can’t set your own question, as many users ask too easy questions that any outsider knows the answers to (an excellent example: how many will be two or two).
In order to complicate the work of attackers trying to pick up code sequences by simple exhaustive search, a limit has been set on the number of unsuccessful entry attempts.

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