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Internet fraud

A proverb says: “Forewarned – means armed.” Not listening to her is stupid. Nowadays, the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives, and is of undoubted benefit. However, let’s not forget that he also carries many risks and dangers. Not only good people who do not mind others use the Internet. Also, it is used by those individuals who want to cash in on inexperience and not knowledge of average users. And here you can read about such personalities and methods of their work in this article. From it you can gather information about different types of fraud on the Internet. Well, of course, we will try to tell you how not to fall for the scammers.

First Class Fraud – Money Cheating
Congratulations to you 1.000.000 user logged in.
A simple and primitive way to fool people. In fact, you are far from being the millionth, and indeed not the winner of any competition. A similar message is seen by every second visitor to this site. It has a link that you need to go through to receive your gift. They charge a completely nominal fee, promising to send us our gift by mail. The fee in this situation plays the role of compensation for postal services.
Typically, fraudsters do not need a lot of money, no more than $ 10, but this is the whole subtlety. The amount is insignificant for one person (especially if they offer a plasma TV or a “smart phone” for it), but imagine that about a day such “winners” took a bait from you about a hundred.

Of course, do not wait for your prize, it simply is not, and never was. It is an honor to become a truly millionth visitor to the site, but it hardly draws for a prize, even for the smallest gift. If the site conducts such a promotion, they will not ask for the shipping costs right away. Remember – any normal person in such a situation will indicate that the package is paid by the recipient! And an attempt to ask your money in advance for payment of postal services or as the price of the purchase of goods with a probability of 100% (first) and 96% (second) is an impudent fraud. The only exceptions may be sites that have a high security rating and are highly rated by plugins, which you can read about in our other articles.

Unscrupulous sellers
Such scammers are sometimes not scammers, but we also mention x. Some online stores sometimes engage in unfair trade, knowing that they are quite difficult to hold accountable. Sometimes, after placing an order, they ask to make an advance payment for the goods, referring to the cost of delivery or something else. However, they do not have the product itself, and the buyer is unlikely to receive it soon.
It’s quite difficult to protect yourself from them, the most important thing to learn is the following rule: “it’s easier to find a site with payment upon delivery than to pay someone who’s in a poke.

Send SMS with text (code) to number XXXX
A simple, impudent and damn effective way of fraud and pumping money from honest citizens. It is found in different forms and in different forms. Here are a couple of commonplace examples, but based on them we will tell you the very mechanics of fraud.
Unpacking the archive
Some Internet users had to deal with this, downloading a program from the Web. It lies in an archived form. Unpacking is as usual, but at the last percentage we see a license agreement and a request to send an SMS to a short number to receive a code that will remove the lock from the archive.
Demon take it, this is the most arrogant way to cash in on our inexperience. What we are offered to buy in this way is usually a free product that can be downloaded without spending money on the developer’s website. Or is this an even bigger bout of arrogance in which we are trying to sell a famous developer’s program for money, for which we still have to pay the developer himself.

Remember, if you come across a similar one, no matter how high Google quotes the site from which you downloaded this archive, close it, delete it and look for it again. To pay money for what you can find on the Internet for free, spending an extra 20 minutes searching for the destiny of only lazy and too wealthy people. And even more so, tell yourself if it’s worth paying people who are brazenly robbing developers of software applications, essentially speculating on their intellectual property.

Sex dating sites and porn sites
This is the most popular way to get money out of people. We admit honestly, at least once in our lives, each of us was interested in the contents of one or another adult site. And maybe I was faced with the need to send SMS to a short number to get a code that allows you to view the contents of the site. So, those who did this noticed that very round sums were being withdrawn, although it seemed that the website indicated a lower price once in 30. Here, every scammer is casting out in his own way.

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