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Child Safety Online

Many users, even the most experienced, sometimes do not suspect that having protected themselves, they forget about their own children. They forget, especially when creating different accounts in the OS for themselves and for the child, that children require attention even at the computer and they still cannot and do not want to take care of their own protection. And this task is being placed on our shoulders.

Immediately determine what threats the Internet poses for a child. They can be divided into two categories: threats associated with games and threats associated with paging. With the second, everything is clear, advertisements and pornography, pop-ups and the calculation of children’s naivety. Games carry risks of a different kind – abnormal social adaptation and the study of indecent words, and not only that.

As a matter of fact, further we will consider not only threats, but also ways to protect our children from them.

Protecting a child in an in-game environment
Explore the world and slang.
First of all, letting a child into an online game, pay attention to her quotation. Maybe you shouldn’t let your child into this game, maybe it has an age limit? Only after making sure of this you can more safely let the child into the game.
It is equally important to know the in-game slang, that is, the abbreviations that will often flash in the chat. You can find him, for example, at Lurkmore, but you should not give the article from there to the child, just help him figure it out if he is completely confused. Yes, and it will be useful for you, you won’t assume that your child has entered a sect if he suddenly says, “Mom, dad, can I stay today and go with the guys to farm turnips in Op” or “May I today I’ll sit for half an hour longer to make an epic run on XM Walnut, otherwise tomorrow the mouthguards will fly off. ”

Terrible words, but you read about it and understand what your child is saying.

Teach your child to remain anonymous
Making new acquaintances is good, but it is worthwhile to convince the child to remain anonymous for the sake of his safety. The maximum that should be reported in games to the child is his real name (and only his first name, not his last name) and whether his parents or brothers / sisters play. The rest of the information should be kept private; the dog’s nickname or his favorite book should be kept secret. It is enough for a virtual friend to know what a dog is or what a child likes to read (more detailed information can be used to crack his account).
Useless profanity filters
In fact, they are very useful. Profanity during the game breaks out among many, not a single player in his practice could not resist the flow of curses against anyone. Profanity filters are designed to weed out chat mate, but they manage by 50 percent, our people are so inventive. In general, it’s difficult to protect a child from such vocabulary. It’s easier to explain to him that in games, such words are used by losers who cannot cope with the problem and thus express it, and do not look for solutions. Teach him that finding ways to solve the problem is much better than impotent anger and pouring it into the chat.
Black list
If you yourself notice that some player loves to swear too painfully, just add him to the black list. Messages from this player will not be displayed. It’s also good to teach your child to add annoying people to the ignore list. This will save his fragile nerves, and your peace, too.
Parental control
It’s not about the function of limiting the time of the game, but about the ability to play with parents. This will please a few children, especially if your relationship has become a bit cool. But do not despair. Analysts prove something there, but as a person playing the author of the article declares to you – to see the face of a nephew and son when you give them some cool subject or help with a difficult task or just punish the one who killed them – this is the best that you can see in the game. Therefore, if you have problems with real communication, do not bother your child to play, but always help him in the game when he asks for it. No need to hang around with him and, in fact, walk him around the world, especially if these are boys. Just always have the opportunity to quickly get to it.
In-game scammers
Another factor in favor of playing with children. Fraudsters operate in games quite often. To deceive a person for equipment, to lure money out of him for any nonsense. It’s all quite simple to do, it’s a little better to know the world of the game. But if you yourself are in the know, and you have more experience, if you quickly make inquiries, then help the child not be deceived.
However, it won’t hurt the child to be deceived once or twice, it will remind him that you will not always take care of him, and from now on he will be more attentive.

Insecure paging
The Internet, as you yourself know, is simply teeming with pornography and other nonsense. And how in this disgrace to protect your child? There are solutions and there are quite a few of them. The easiest and inadequate to watch him when he delves into the Internet. But look for jokes on the topic “Mom, it itself popped up.”

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