Destination of proxies and NAT
A proxy server is designed to mediate between a workstation and a worldwide network. The…

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Effective B2B website designs for 2019
If you are producing a product / service that is in demand in a particular…

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Turbologo - an online service for creating logos
For a company, a company logo is not just an element of style. This, in…

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words “newspaper”

How the media have changed Mankind, and Manchestovo has changed the media over the past couple of thousand years

Today, mass communication is the most important form of information exchange. Newspapers, radio, television and, of course, Internet access allow not only to receive almost any information, but also serve as means of propaganda and manipulation. Today, when almost every student can purchase hosting and host their own blog on the Internet, it is hard to imagine that once there were not even newspapers in the world. And it all began in ancient Rome somewhere in the middle of the 2nd century AD with wooden plates.

Where did the media begin
During the reign of Julius Caesar, official state media appeared in ancient Rome. Continue reading

How to make a color palette for a site and not only
In Design Mania, there have already been several publications with similar topics: in a note…


How to make a color palette for a site and not only
In Design Mania, there have already been several publications with similar topics: in a note…


Landing Myths
Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the…
