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How to make a website footer: design options, why you need it, tips

Home »Web Design» How to make a footer of a site: design options, why it is needed, tips
How to make a website footer: design options, why you need it, tips

basement of the site Developers often overlook that the footer for the site (translation from English footer / basement) is one of its basic elements. It can provide more complete information about the company, and also performs various useful functions: it facilitates navigation, helps visitors navigate a web project and is useful for some commercial purposes.

Earlier in the blog, we examined the development of the website header, and today we’ll talk about the basement. Here you need to competently approach the choice of control components that will be included in it in order to get an effective and optimal solution. We bring to your attention a translation of the article from Agentestudio, which contains the best practices on the design of the footer and its illustrative examples. Continue reading

Mailto – HTML

In order to somehow dilute the design theme, let’s look at another layout lesson today – a lot of time has passed since the previous post about CSS hover effects. This note will be devoted to the issue of creating a link to mail in html. All this is implemented using the usual A tag, which, despite its simplicity, can be used not only to create hyperlinks, but also has several interesting nuances.

The basic syntax looks like this:

<a href=””> write to us </a>
Here, as the href attribute, write the phrase mailto and the mail where you want to send the message. Inside the tag is the link text that the user will click on.

The problem with this design is not the best UI / UX solution for users, because clicking on a link performs actions that not everyone likes. It’s like with a PDF document when it immediately opens in the browser.

OPENING IN A NEW WINDOW Continue reading

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