Destination of proxies and NAT
A proxy server is designed to mediate between a workstation and a worldwide network. The…

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How to make a color palette for a site and not only
In Design Mania, there have already been several publications with similar topics: in a note…

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Enterprise VPN in plain language
Today, many who are interested in computer technology and communications have heard about such a…

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obtain results that work

Website promotion: how to get real results

After the work on SEO-optimization, the sales department was “cut off” by inappropriate calls. The contextual contractor regularly “masters” the budget, but there are no more applications. The PR man writes in FB and VK, but there are still no sales from social networks.

What to do? Frustrated with internet promotion? Change the contractor? Let it go on its own? First you should exhale and understand the causes of failure.

High expectations
In Russia, thousands of companies and even more freelancers are engaged in Internet promotion. Internet technologies are constantly being improved, that’s why SEO-optimizers, SMMs, media people, etc. Usually they are narrow specialists who are well versed in complex tools.

But! Being a professional in their field of knowledge, they are not always ready to immerse themselves in the client’s business. Therefore, they often offer a unified set of tools, sharpened for an average company, with a slight correction for the actions of its competitors on the network. Continue reading

What is important for the internet user?
What is important for the internet user? Speed ​​and price? Aw, users! Speed, price and…


Effective B2B website designs for 2019
If you are producing a product / service that is in demand in a particular…


Landing Myths
Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the…
