Anonymous proxies
A proxy server is the link between users and the Internet. Proxy server - a…

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VPN Basic Concepts and Classification
The term VPN (Eng. "Virtual Private Network") refers to a group of technologies that provide…

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Creating an Effective Hero Image Image for a Website
Does the user only need 50 milliseconds to form an opinion on any site? Web…

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for example

Internet Marketing Cost Effectiveness

What are the main steps in the online sale process?
Advertising tools attract potential customers to the site. Tools can be different: seo, contextual advertising, display advertising, advertising on social networks, etc.
Part of the attracted visitors to the site performs the action you need: it orders a product or service using the order forms or calls on the phone number indicated on the site.
A part of potential customers who ordered and called made a purchase.
Each transaction brings the company some profit.
That is, if the cost of advertising on the Internet (website promotion) amounted to 10,000 rubles for the period, then the profit from sales through the website for this period should be more than 10,000 rubles, and then the investment efficiency in website promotion is more than one – and this is good.
The final indicator of the effectiveness of investments is ROI (the ratio of the amount of profit to the amount of investment): profit 10,000 / cost 10,000 = 1.
Of course, I want the effectiveness of investments in promotion to be more than one. Continue reading

Landing Myths

Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the landing page to look beautiful and cling to visitors is an understandable desire.

But you still need it to fulfill its main function – to sell your product or service. After all, it’s not without reason that landing is also called a selling page in a different way

So, so that all the stars converge, we, as advanced users, turn to the Internet and begin to google and read tips on creating a landing page. Guided by the fact that since it helped others, it will help us. But no.

Having read the “useful” tips, we collected the most common myths about landing pages and today we will tell you what you can believe and what not. But, as they say, you reject – offer. Therefore, among other things, we will give useful tips that will help increase the conversion of your selling page.

Myth 1. The longer the landing, the more effective it is. Continue reading

Top Web Design Articles, Downloads, and Inspiration

We continue the annual tradition and publish the most interesting notes for the “last season”. Earlier in Design Mania, you could already see a similar article for 2017 and a selection of the best posts in 2016. It seems to us that such a digest allows you to quickly view the most relevant materials and, possibly, save something for yourself in bookmarks.

For your convenience, the entries are grouped according to different topics that correspond to the sections of the blog: there are notes about logos, web design in general, icon / font archives, templates, textures, useful sevries and programs, and, of course, inspiring graphics. In total, about 55 links turned out, which completely coincides with last year’s indicators. In 2019, we hope to slightly increase their number + to finish updating the design of the project. Continue reading

Interesting features of UI design in different countries
When you create an interface design for applications / sites operating in different countries, you…


5 examples of designer pain: the most common phrases coming from customers and clients
No matter how many years have passed, and TK for the designer always remains a…


If you blocked the site at work
So a person is arranged that the productivity of his activity is directly related to…
