Top Web Design Articles, Downloads, and Inspiration
We continue the annual tradition and publish the most interesting notes for the "last season".…

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If you blocked the site at work
So a person is arranged that the productivity of his activity is directly related to…

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This protocol allows you to implement a secure point-to-point connection by creating a tunnel in…

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disabling the right mouse

How the media have changed Mankind, and Manchestovo has changed the media over the past couple of thousand years

Today, mass communication is the most important form of information exchange. Newspapers, radio, television and, of course, Internet access allow not only to receive almost any information, but also serve as means of propaganda and manipulation. Today, when almost every student can purchase hosting and host their own blog on the Internet, it is hard to imagine that once there were not even newspapers in the world. And it all began in ancient Rome somewhere in the middle of the 2nd century AD with wooden plates.

Where did the media begin
During the reign of Julius Caesar, official state media appeared in ancient Rome. Continue reading

Landing Myths

Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the landing page to look beautiful and cling to visitors is an understandable desire.

But you still need it to fulfill its main function – to sell your product or service. After all, it’s not without reason that landing is also called a selling page in a different way

So, so that all the stars converge, we, as advanced users, turn to the Internet and begin to google and read tips on creating a landing page. Guided by the fact that since it helped others, it will help us. But no.

Having read the “useful” tips, we collected the most common myths about landing pages and today we will tell you what you can believe and what not. But, as they say, you reject – offer. Therefore, among other things, we will give useful tips that will help increase the conversion of your selling page.

Myth 1. The longer the landing, the more effective it is. Continue reading

How to get more search visibility using other people’s resources

Whatever niche you work in, there are probably dozens, hundreds, and even thousands of other sites of similar subjects. Some are your direct competitors, with others your interests overlap partially. Most resources, most likely, will be from the category of content projects: media, blogs, forums and others.

Although such sites are almost always monetized by selling ads, rather than goods or services, you are still competitors in one very important area. Namely: the attention of the target audience.

But, unlike competing entrepreneurs, other people’s information sites can be used to their advantage. Get with their help additional points of contact in the issuance, audience attention, transitions of potential customers and increased brand awareness. Continue reading

How the media have changed Mankind, and Manchestovo has changed the media over the past couple of thousand years
Today, mass communication is the most important form of information exchange. Newspapers, radio, television and,…


Self-creating a graphic logo - step by step instructions
In this informative post, I would like to consider all aspects of creating a company…


Top Web Design Articles, Downloads, and Inspiration
We continue the annual tradition and publish the most interesting notes for the "last season".…
