Enterprise VPN in plain language
Today, many who are interested in computer technology and communications have heard about such a…

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Phone chats, a magazine with life hacks and more
The Internet has become so firmly entrenched in our lives that even those who started…

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If you blocked the site at work
So a person is arranged that the productivity of his activity is directly related to…

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content and idea of ​​the site

IP address in plain language

Currently, more and more computer owners in the world are becoming users of local networks or the World Wide Web. At the same time, each PC is assigned its own name, the so-called IP address (formed from the English Internet Protocol Address).

An IP address is a number of four numbers separated by dots from 0 to 255, for example It should be said that it is not the computer that receives the IP address, but its network card or modem.

So why do we need an IP address?
In fact, there is nothing complicated. People, for comfortable communication among themselves, use names, for search – addresses, phone numbers, etc. A similar situation occurs on the Internet. The World Wide Web is needed to receive information that is sent from the server to the user on the computer. This is where the IP address is needed, since it is a determinant for “communication” between computers.
Using IP, the host computer, the so-called server, will know where to download the information requested by the user. Also by IP, you can determine the location of the geographic location of the computer. This is due to getting an address on the Internet. Continue reading

Internet fraud

A proverb says: “Forewarned – means armed.” Not listening to her is stupid. Nowadays, the Internet is playing an increasingly important role in people’s lives, and is of undoubted benefit. However, let’s not forget that he also carries many risks and dangers. Not only good people who do not mind others use the Internet. Also, it is used by those individuals who want to cash in on inexperience and not knowledge of average users. And here you can read about such personalities and methods of their work in this article. From it you can gather information about different types of fraud on the Internet. Well, of course, we will try to tell you how not to fall for the scammers.

First Class Fraud – Money Cheating Continue reading

How to protect your password from hacking

Today, passwords play a significant role in human life. Everywhere on the Internet, on every site, each account must have its own password in order for the user to gain access to its data. Losing or breaking a password can often result in a big problem and headache.

This article will focus on passwords, hacking methods and creating passwords.

How do passwords break?
There are always at least two ways to crack a password. This is a banal selection (which takes a huge amount of resources and time, but with proper luck, or rather, with due naivety of the user, it will not take an hour) and no less banal “attack of pets”.
Password guessing
Recognize after all somewhere, at least once you set the banal and well-known qwerty password. This is certainly good if it is not in your mailbox through which you can crack almost all your existing passwords. Password guessing is a set of random numbers in the password field and it implies the need to know the account itself. On some sites this is obvious, on others it’s hidden. Continue reading

What is a firewall and why is it needed?
We will not go into little things like translating words, occupying them some part of…


Retargeting What is it? And how to use it to increase the likelihood of a purchase?
Retargeting What is it? And how to use it to return visitors to the site?…


All the information about you is ... on the Internet
The fact that computers have long and reliably entered the lives of almost every person…
