5 examples of designer pain: the most common phrases coming from customers and clients
No matter how many years have passed, and TK for the designer always remains a…

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Connect Xbox 360 via VPN server
Regional content protection checks your account for belonging to a specific country, and checks it…

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Internet Marketing Cost Effectiveness
What are the main steps in the online sale process? Advertising tools attract potential customers…

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How to protect your password from hacking

Today, passwords play a significant role in human life. Everywhere on the Internet, on every site, each account must have its own password in order for the user to gain access to its data. Losing or breaking a password can often result in a big problem and headache.

This article will focus on passwords, hacking methods and creating passwords.

How do passwords break?
There are always at least two ways to crack a password. This is a banal selection (which takes a huge amount of resources and time, but with proper luck, or rather, with due naivety of the user, it will not take an hour) and no less banal “attack of pets”.
Password guessing
Recognize after all somewhere, at least once you set the banal and well-known qwerty password. This is certainly good if it is not in your mailbox through which you can crack almost all your existing passwords. Password guessing is a set of random numbers in the password field and it implies the need to know the account itself. On some sites this is obvious, on others it’s hidden. Continue reading

Present day viruses

There are a huge number of computer viruses in the world. To establish their exact number (along with all modifications and upgrades) no one is taken. Instead, it is customary to calculate the loss or intensity of a virus attack. But, neither one nor the other allows users to understand what, exactly, how and why it gets to their computer?

Reasons for creating viruses
There are no reasons for the appearance of viruses as such. These are the reasons for human stupidity. We simply have the actual value – a huge number of computer viruses and virus programs that inhabit the Internet along with sites. It’s true that it’s worth highlighting several reasons, it’s still worth it, they are especially clear to any person.
Banal reason. Someone wanted to try “what happens if?” True, almost no one is now engaged in viral childishness. However, it is impossible not to mention it. Indeed, this is how the first virus arose. Continue reading

What is a firewall and why is it needed?

We will not go into little things like translating words, occupying them some part of the article. Just point out that a firewall (from the English – fire wall), or as it is also called brandmauer (with German – fire wall) in Russian has two names that display its purpose (inter) firewall. This is a screen that protects the user from influences coming from outside. When connecting to the Internet, having a firewall is not a luxury, and indeed such a risk is hardly justified, it will most likely lead to raking up a bunch of viruses, or even just to reinstall the system.

In addition, the firewall performs the function of blocking access by unauthorized persons to your computer via the network. This is not to say that the standard Windows Firewall is bad, it is quite suitable for the initial level of protection. But this is if you do not store important information on your computer or do not work with means of payment via the Internet. If you are interested in the security of your data, then changing the Firewall will not be a stupid idea. Our article, in fact, is written based on what would help you, ordinary users, to choose a firewall that suits you. Continue reading

How to choose an internet provider?
If you are reading this article, then most likely you cannot imagine life without the…


7 applications for creating a logo: an overview of services for "dummies" and novice designers
Usually, when a business idea is formed and a product or service that a company…


How to choose a contractor for promotion on the Internet?
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