Retargeting What is it? And how to use it to increase the likelihood of a purchase?
Retargeting What is it? And how to use it to return visitors to the site?…

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How to make a color palette for a site and not only
In Design Mania, there have already been several publications with similar topics: in a note…

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Landing Myths
Creating a high conversion landing page is a whole deal, right? And to want the…

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as some providers

Connect Xbox 360 via VPN server

Regional content protection checks your account for belonging to a specific country, and checks it against the IP address of your console. If your account is American, and the IP address belongs to any other country, then you won’t be able to download content intended only for USA. We will describe the options for solving this problem using a VPN below.

Using a router
One of the options, which may also be the simplest, is to set up a VPN on the router and give them Wi-Fi to the XBOX. But we want to immediately warn that with some routers it may not work. Although it’s worth a try.
If in the settings of the router the section with VPN is not occupied by your provider, then just enter the settings of our VPN there. Continue reading

What is a firewall and why is it needed?

We will not go into little things like translating words, occupying them some part of the article. Just point out that a firewall (from the English – fire wall), or as it is also called brandmauer (with German – fire wall) in Russian has two names that display its purpose (inter) firewall. This is a screen that protects the user from influences coming from outside. When connecting to the Internet, having a firewall is not a luxury, and indeed such a risk is hardly justified, it will most likely lead to raking up a bunch of viruses, or even just to reinstall the system.

In addition, the firewall performs the function of blocking access by unauthorized persons to your computer via the network. This is not to say that the standard Windows Firewall is bad, it is quite suitable for the initial level of protection. But this is if you do not store important information on your computer or do not work with means of payment via the Internet. If you are interested in the security of your data, then changing the Firewall will not be a stupid idea. Our article, in fact, is written based on what would help you, ordinary users, to choose a firewall that suits you. Continue reading

Security in Firefox Browser

When working on the Internet, the highest priority should be to ensure the safety of users. Indeed, in the “global web” there is a huge number of fraudulent sites and simply dishonest personalities. To protect their users, Mozilla developers put a huge amount of effort. They came out and went out well, but they did the most important thing – they gave a start to their users. Simple and intuitive add-ons (plug-in) began to appear quite quickly. It is about such plugins that will be discussed in this article.

Written both by craftsmen and professional programmers, these plugins perform one, but very important function – to warn the user about the danger that awaits him. They work quite simply, in fact in two stages. The first step is to track complaints or recommendations of a particular site and by comparing their number we get a positive or negative reaction to the site. Some programs simply suggest that the site is dangerous, others allow you to see why, but they are based on the same algorithm – collecting and displaying information. Continue reading

How to make a color palette for a site and not only
In Design Mania, there have already been several publications with similar topics: in a note…


All the information about you is ... on the Internet
The fact that computers have long and reliably entered the lives of almost every person…


Local Area Networks and the Internet
When a local area network is connected to the global Internet, one of the PCs,…
